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Bone Grafting

Diagram of dental implant in to jaw boneWhen most people think of bone grafts, they think of cancer treatments. Patients might be surprised that bone grafts are used even more frequently for treatment of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) problems. Problems with the TMJ or known as temporomandibular disorder.

These situations can be caused by trauma, whether from an automobile accident or being struck in the face during sporting activities. These symptoms can include not being able to swallow or chew without pain or not being able to speak clearly.

Once bone grafts are applied, they can fuse with existing tissue and restore lost functionality. For those patients who are suffering with TMJ problems and would like to find some relief, please come see us today at Schnierow Dental Care. We can talk about all of the available treatment options and come up with a treatment plan to best suit your needs.

Bone Graft Description

It is important when bone graft tissue is taken that it is not compromised in any way. This means it needs to be disease free. A bone graft is a small bit of bone material harvested from one area of the body and then applied to another. It is typically used in those situations where patients have limited bone mass and need more as part of an implant procedure. Adding mass to upper and lower jaw has been known to hinder tooth decay as well as periodontal disease. For some restorative dental surgeries, additional bone mass will be necessary. Without the bone mass, patients are not eligible for those specific surgeries.

For those patients without a viable graft site, then a donor with a proper tissue match can be used. When that option has been exhausted, synthetic bone graft material can be used instead.

What Are the Different Types of Grafts?

While the procedure for the grafts is the same, the reasons they are chosen are different. The allograft and autograft are the two most frequently used.

Taking bone graft from the patient themselves, the autograft, is widely used. The harvested graft is generally taken from either the pelvic bone or the hip bone.

Not used as often as autografts, allografts are still highly recommended. Rather than taking grafted tissue from the individual patient or a donor, they use tissue harvested from a cadaver. The tissue is most often taken from a cadaver and placed in a tissue bank for later use.

When is a Bone Graft Needed?

Those patients who are suffering from pain at their TMJ or having difficulty while speaking or chewing can greatly benefit from a bone graft. Other symptoms can include not being able to fully open or completely close their mouths. Applied bone grafts can clear these symptoms up very easily.

It does not matter if a patient has a history of problems with their TMJ or if they have just started. Either way, a bone graft is the best solution to taking care of those issues. If patients have questions, they are more than welcome to come by our office at Schnierow Dental Care. Our phone number is (424) 383-5005. Give us a call to either schedule your appointment or for a phone consultation.

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Hawthorne, CA

13450 Hawthorne Blvd. Hawthorne, CA 90250-5806

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